April - 12 - 2016
Iowa City, Iowa – The National Wrestling Media Association announced its annual journalism and media awards at a social and meeting in Iowa City on April 8. Founded in 1989 as a professional membership organization for wrestling-based journalists, broadcasters, photographers and sports information directors, the NWMA has expanded its reach [Read More]
March - 25 - 2016
The National Wrestling Media Association will host its annual members social, meeting and awards on Friday, April 8 at Twelve 01 Kitchen & Tap in Coralville, Iowa. That is the Friday before the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials. Address Twelve01 Kitchen & Tap 1210 1st Avenue Coralville, Iowa 52241 Twelve01 [Read More]
February - 23 - 2016
USA Wrestling is seeking a Communications Coordinator. This is a full-time position which reports to the Director of Communications and Special Projects. This individual will be responsible for working on a variety of projects which impact the organization's communications activities. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: - Assists [Read More]
January - 21 - 2016
The credential application for the 2016 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship at Madison Square Garden in New York City from March 17-19 is now open at NCAA.com/media. The deadline for all applications is Friday, March 11.
January - 5 - 2016
via USA Wrestling USA Wrestling and the University of Iowa are now accepting media accreditation requests for the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Wrestling, scheduled for April 9-10 at Carver-Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City, Iowa. The U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Wrestling return to Iowa City and Carver-Hawkeye Arena [Read More]