Author Archive

January - 26 - 2022

The National Wrestling Media Association has named its annual award winners for the 2020-21 season. All active members of the association are eligible to nominate individuals or outlets for awards. Those submissions are then broken down to a set of finalists per category, then the membership votes on those finalists [Read More]

January - 1 - 2022

Here's a link to the Southern Scuffle photo folder. As usual if you have any special requests let me know! I'll be editing and uploading in between and after sessions. Password (CaSeseNSitIvE): LetsScuffle -- All photo credits to Sam Janicki

December - 29 - 2021

Here is the google drive where I'll be putting photos for the 2021 Matmen Open: As usual if you have any special requests please let me know.  Sam Janicki

November - 8 - 2021

With season credentialling for Penn State wrestling closed (if you have been approved, you will receive an email in the next three days), the single dual credentialling link is now live.  If you have not received confirmation of a season credential by EOD Wednesday, then you were denied a season [Read More]

November - 5 - 2021

It has come to the attention of the National Wrestling Media Association that an individual who represents themselves as a member of the wrestling media photography pool, Mr. Cam Kramer, based out of Iowa had been surreptitiously video taping wrestling matches and posting them illegally on a personal YouTube channel over the course of [Read More]