Via USA Wrestling
USA Wrestling has opened up the media accreditation process for two more events on the National Schedule this fall, the Senior World Team Trials in Lincoln, Neb., September 11-12 and the USA Wrestling Brian Keck Memorial Preseason Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa, October 29-31.
These events have been added to the USA Wrestling online media accreditation system through USA Wrestling’s membership system. Media which have applied for previous USA Wrestling events can go there right away and apply for accreditation.
As always, journalists must pass USA Wrestling’s background check and complete the U.S. Center for Safe Sport online education to be accredited for these events.
Information on any COVID-19 protocols or interview opportunities at the event will be shared with those who are accepted for media credentials.
As the 2021-22 USA Wrestling event schedule is finalized, additional events will be added to the online system as soon as possible. Please feel free to check back regularly for additional accreditation opportunities.
How to apply for credentials online
All journalists who wish to cover the a USA Wrestling national event must comply with USA Wrestling’s Athlete Safety Media Policy, which requires journalists to pass USA Wrestling’s background check and complete the U.S. Center for Safe Sport online education. The background check and Safe Sport training is free of charge to approved journalists.
Most journalists, including those who have been accredited in the past, may need to take the Safe Sport training again. The U.S. Center for Safe Sport has created new refresher course materials, which are required even for those who have previously taken this training. Many others may have to take the background check again, as it only covers two seasons.
The media accreditation system is integrated with USA Wrestling’s membership system, which keeps a record of those who have passed the background check and have completed Safe Sport training. No journalist will be added to the media list of any USA Wrestling national or regional event until they have completed the Athlete Safety Media Policy procedures.
All journalists seeking credentials will need to have create an account at
Once a journalist has signed into their existing account, or created a new account, they will be able to proceed with the media accreditation request process. Once in your account:
1) Go to the top of the website and click the “USAW Events” scrollbar
2) Scroll down and click “Media Credentials”
3) Click the button in the upper right corner entitled “Create Media Pool Request” or by clicking the “Manage Requests” button in your media request list.
Journalists will be asked to provide information including email, phone, state, media outlet, media outlet website and job function (which includes print journalist, print photographer, internet reporter, Non-Rights Holder Broadcast, Rights Holder Broadcast or Press Attache/SID).
At this time, journalists can click their request from a list of events. When the events are chosen, click Make Media Request.
Once a journalist has submitted their media request, the person can come back at any later time and request additional events as necessary by clicking the Manage Requests button in their media request list.
Journalists will receive an email with the status of their media request, and other instructions on the background check or Safe Sport training as necessary. (Please make sure to apply at least a week prior to an event, in order to allow enough time for the background check).
In order to get the free background check, a journalist must apply for an event credential first. Sign into your profile and request at least one event and the entire process will be initiated.
Any questions on the media accreditation process and media access at the U.S. Olympic Team Trials – Wrestling should be made to Gary Abbott, USA Wrestling Director of Communications, at or via cell phone at 719-659-9637